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Septum aftercare

You noticed that your piercing was performed in compliance with strict hygiene rules. Know that your piercing is healing in the same way as any other wound, mainly due to the natural action of your body. Always handle it as hygienically as possible. To promote optimal healing, you should make sure you get a good night's sleep, follow a balanced diet and avoid recreational drugs, which can weaken. These habits are just as crucial as piercing care because they create the ideal conditions for healing. A septum piercing needs about six to eight weeks to heal. Now it's up to you to take the necessary steps to ensure your piercing heals quickly and infection-free. heal.

Important notice

Shower instead of bathing for the first 15 days. If you use a bath 15 days after piercing, make sure it is clean. Sleep in clean sheets, especially if pets are present, and make sure your clothes do not rub against your piercing. Avoid swimming pools, Jacuzzis, ponds, lakes, saunas, steam rooms, solariums,... for the first month for hygienic reasons. Seawater is generally safe, but watch out for sand that can irritate the pierced area may irritate it. Removing the piercing, even if only temporarily, can cause it to close quickly. If you notice excessive swelling, remember to put your head higher than your heart. Check regularly to make sure your jewelry is not partially loose (tighten if tighten to the right if necessary). Be careful with the advice you get from your friends, because what works for them may not be appropriate for your specific case. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us. There are no dumb questions and our support is free.

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